Inspired by my last post Lol
At the same day I was watching Kareem's trial another trial was going on but this trial had lesser propaganda
I don't know the exact Details but some of the "Muslim Brother-Hood" leaders were in trial to freeze their funds for weird accusations as always
First of all I'd like to say that I'm not pro Ikhwan or most of their ideas, and sometimes I doubt their intentions,
But ..... For me till now they did nothing obvious to be jailed and prevented from using their money,
and I can't hide my sympathy towards them as they are one of the few groups which are active in our faculty and I thank them for all the medical books they print and all their social activities in helping the students.
Although I hate some of them when they take the microphone and say some Islamic words in the courses because in a way or another they embarrass the non Muslims or the people who aren't interested in listening to what they are saying ….
And sometimes the younger students become so enthusiastic and go on saying some Fatwa's in religion which is something I don’t believe they are authorized to do &some of the Fatwa's are wrong and absurd
I also don’t like the way some of them act in the parliament when they question unimportant things and leave the main subjects.
Anyways, it's not my subject to judge the "MB" or their intentions here,
But every time I see what our blessed regime do to them,
the way they detain them and prevent some of them from entering the exams,
the way they treat them like animals in prison,
every time I remember the place they are sent to "Tora Gulag" and I imagine the way they are being treated in such place,
every time I remember that most of the detainees are in their early twenties "so young ",
every time I wonder about their actual crime and I keep on wondering and asking the same question "why?" and every time my answer is the same they are joining a prohibited group, why the "MB" is prohibited …. Well no one knows!!
But every time I think about all of that ….. I really hate our stupid system more and more.
Go with me in that hypothesis, what if our regime freed the "MB" left them to do what ever they want?,
I know the majority of the Egyptians Muslims are pro them because to them they represent Islam their only hope in life "stupid but true".
But can't we count on that "the people who chose them will be against them if they showed any radicalism or went on the wrong lane".
May be "MB" freedom will encourage the Christians to share in the opposition to take their rights "Yes Christians are oppressed, but all Egyptians are oppressed too, and I really hate it because Christians barely share in any political move either with or against the system and don't tell me "Copts abroad" because I don't believe in any opposition or move unless they're living in the country and suffering as its people, they are so neutral, I know they love Egypt as we all do but they got to share and be more active!"
Ah I forgot to mention that the judge in the "MB" case was the same judge who ordered to prison Dr. Ayman Nour and Dr. Saad El Din Ebrahim.
When this rotten ugly heartbreaking thing is going to stop?
It's just unfair!!
They're not the only community active in our faculty KHALES. A lot of communities are active, The scouts or el gawala being the most active. Besides, they don't print those books out of the goodness of their hearts. They get paid for those books and they print them to win the student elections. O and they LIE to us A LOT and EMBELISH the stories about their persecution and struggle, A LOT.
I worry about the MB because their new up and coming generation seem like they could easily turn us into an Iran/Afghanistan-like nation if they take control because a lot of ppl in Egypt have the potential for something like that to happen. We're all afraid to question anything that happens in the name of religion even if religion has nothing to do with it and everyone knows the amount of damage you could do and then attach it somehow and someway to religion.
That said, there's no excuse for the heinous way they're being treated by our "democratic" (LOL) government and nobody's buying the whole MB=Islamic Miltia theory. Then again, we don't really have the best human rights record anyway.
Lol la ya Ravine they are active
the Scouts aren't active, may be OSret Fekra or something
and which Elections? they aren't allowed to even enter the students elections and to be honest they r prosecuted
And dont tell me PArliment elections ok?!
I dont like the idea of us being turned to Afghanistan
and I hate it when everytime we buy a book from them we have read all their ideas that are writtien on the book
and we pay for the book prices but yet they r active and they help the poor,I sometimes go to their mosque and I see how they give their books for the incabable students
U know ECG Book and the Dermatology and clenical pathology I guess was made by some of them
that doesnt mean that they r innocent or anything.. what I mean is that the students the gov;s detaining are really innocent all their fault is that they adopted MB's ideas
+ although MB created Muhammed Mahdy Akef "I hate him" it created Sayyed Qutb and others who were good pple even Hassan L Banna wasn't that radical
I don't know Ravine , u r kind of mixing between the MB and the Salafeyin &Wahabeyeen,
MBs are more into islamic politics
They do enter, whatever votes they recieve are just nullified and they're denied the positions because they're not called "MB" in college exactly .I remember a few different names they gave themselves since we started college. And if not votes, then popularity amongst the students. And I didn't say they aren't active, but they're not they only ones. And yes, fe osar keteer active including the scouts and they also give to the "poor".The Students who collected all that money for the Children's Hospital didn't even belong to one of those family, so my point is they're not the only ones.
Ya benty they don't make the books for free. You know what we pay them? That's the actual price of the books. Fekra homa ely kano beywaza3ooh maganan or for one pound. And sorry ya3ni 20 pounds for 5 CDs 3obara 3an copies da nasb. Ana bageeb dastet CD's with that price so they're probably making a profit and I don't know if they're giving it to the poor or whatever.
We ba3dein la ya shiekha, they're into islamic politics? *rolls eyes* No shit. I'm not saying they're all "evil"
(my grandfather alah yer7amo was oldschool MB) bas some of their younger members are uptight dumbasses and they could go piss themselves for all I care.However, I never said that they deserve what's happening to them for their ideas, in fact I said the contrary in my comment.
Not only do you need to learn how to type slowly bas you need to learn how to read slowly too :P.
Lmao Gurl, I read ur comment 2:04 pm and I had to prepare myself for the derma course which began at 2:30 so imagine my hurrying :D
Well to be honest I was kinda biased bs 3shan knt shuft 7gat kda medy2a menha w se3bo 3laya
and I'll change the post from oly to one of the little groups :D
+ u knw me gurl I dont like them, I'm as u, I hate whats happening to them
من احسن الحاجات اللي قريتها عن الاخوان ، مع اني لسه مصمم ان انتي تكتبي بالعربي احسن
اول حاجه طبيعي ان فيه ناس مش مع الاخوان ومش مؤيدين او مقتنعين بيهم ، بس ايه اللي بيخليكي تشكي في نواياهم ؟؟
الاخوان اكيد عندهم عيوبهم
يعني مثلا موضوع البرلمان زي ماانتي قلتي مش ممكن واحد يضيع وقت الكلمة بتاعته ووقت دايرته ووقت مراقبة الحكومة عشان يتكلم عن مسرحية مجهولة بيشوفها عدد محدود في الجامعة الامريكية ، طبعا تهريج ، بس واحد او اتنين والباقي ادائهم كويس
الاخوان بصفة عامة ادائهم بيتحسن ، صحيح فيه احسن من كده ، صحيح عايزين تطوير خصوصا في ادائهم السياسي ،على مستوى القيادات والشباب واكيد مطلوب منهم تصعيد اكتر من كده
بس في النهاية هم القوة الوحيدة المنظمة اللي فيهم الامل .
أهلآ يا نائل و شكرآ على المجاملة :]
هاقولك ليه بشك
بس أحب اوضح ان معلوماتى ضئيلة عن الإخوان و الى بقولوا مجرد مشاهدات
أول حاجة سعات باحسهم بيميلوا لإرضاء السلفيين على حساب التيار الليبرالى الى المفرود هما واخدينه
بخاف منهنم لما بيطلع واحد يقول وجهه نظر عجيبة ذى مثلآ
"أيام التحرش واحد طلع و قال لبس البنات خو السبب" بصراحة قرفنى من الجهل و وجهة نظره الرجعية الى ماتفرقش عن وجهة نظر واحد معاهوش ابتدائية
سعات بحسهم عندهم تخبط فى الولاء و الأولويات
سعات فى ناس منهم بيستغلوا خوف المصريين من حتة الدين و يلعبوا عليها ذى شعار الإسلام هو الحل شرع الله عز وجل ممكن أى سازج يفتكر انه لو لم يؤيد الإخوان يبقى هيخالف شرع الله
كل ما أقرأ
بينهم و بين اليسار أو أى تيار تانى و أشوف الشتيمة و هى بتتحدف أحس انهم غير مستعدين لقبول الآخر "و دى مشكلة فى كل التيارات" ده غير ان مش من أخلاق المسلم أبدآ انه يشتم و يسب كل مختلف معاه
كل ده بيخلينى أحس ذى Ravine انهم لو مسكوا البلد المتشددين الى فيهم هيقلبوها إيران أو السعودية
و أخيرآ احب أقولك ان صوابعك مش ذى بعضها يعنى فيهم ناس محترميتن و فيهم ..........
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