My Exams r over?
I can't believe myself... I just can't :D:D:D
Any suggestions on how to spend this winter vacation?
I went to the movie "1408" today.... if anybody went is attempting to go to it, please tell me "Did John Cusack actually went out of the room?" coz I guess he's still in it!!
Although I don't watch too much thrillers and I only watched pet sematary for Steven King, I like his way in putting puzzles and I like it when I solve his puzzles
So go and enjoy :D
I'll leave you with this song
Lily Margot: En silence
she has another song called Pretty killer
I've been searching for this song since ages and I can't find it.... I'll be more than grateful if any of you found it
4 years ago
أخيرا !
أمال أنا أعمل إيه :(
حخلص في نص يناير الجاي !
يلا بقى إستمتعي بالأجازة للنهاية
ألف مبروك :))
انتم السابقون و نحن اللاحقون يا فنذم
فكر انك هتخلص مالمخروبة دى كمان كام شهر
انا لو منك اعمل افراح من دلوقتى
ربنا معاك انا عارفة الانسان بيتعذب مننا قد ايه لغاية مايوصل
يوصل فين؟
يا عينى عليك يا رغدة يا حبيبتى !!
مين رغدة !!
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