Either IF Darwin was right and we were evolved from animalsOr religions were right and we have the same creatorO whatever is your believeWhy in all the other creatures the female is always dominating?
What trick did the human male do to fool the female and dominate her?
Or that what is special about human kind, they always go against nature!
well, if females were dominating, then you would find a blog now saying why the human beings were against nature & let females dominating?
In nature, it's not about domination, it's about cooperation!! don't you think so?
^I agree with that. I think it's because there aren't as many psychotic animals as their are humans , so not very many animals need to feel better or stronger by demeaning other creatures of the same species. Animals are just a lot purer than human beings.
:D I like the cooperation thing lol
But I'm talking about the female kind dominating in the other species
3ndk mathalan l asad l female aqwa w kmaan ltyoor wl frog
Lol @psychotic animals
Yea I agree with everything thing u say
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